Lưu trữ Dạng bài Điền từ vào câu lớp 12 - Trang 80 trên 400 - Tự Học 365

Dạng bài Điền từ vào câu lớp 12

Danh sách câu hỏi

  • [Mark the letter A B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate - Tự Học 365] Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

    Câu 1: It is recommended that he______ his course.

    A. taking

    B. take

    C. takes

    D. took

    Câu 2: “You missed a good chance in your career." “Yes, I ______that job when Mr. Johnson offered.”

    A. shall take

    B. shall have taken

    C. should take

    D. should have taken

    Câu 3: Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor the air contains at a certaintemperature______ with the amount it could hold at that temperature.

    A. to compare

    B. compared

    C. comparing

    D. compares

    Câu 4: A______ is a book or a movie with an exciting story about crime or spying.

    A. thriller

    B. romance

    C. biography

    D. comic

    Câu 5: On September 9, 1850, California was admitted to the Union______

    A. being thirty-first state

    B. as the thirty-first state

    C. for the thirty-first state

    D. the thirty-first state

    Câu 6: Everyone thought she would accept the offer._____ , she turned it down.

    A. However

    B. Moreover

    C. So

    D. Too

    Câu 7: ______electricity you use,_____ your bill will be.

    A. The most - the higher

    B. The more - the high

    C. More - higher

    D. The more - the higher

    Câu 8: This one is prettier, but it costs ______as the other one.

    A. twice as many

    B. as many

    C. twice as much

    D. so much

    Câu 9: I’ve just bought a television set ____in Japan.

    A. which they make

    B. who is made

    C. which made

    D. made

    Câu 10:  They asked me a lot of questions, ______I couldn’t answer.

    A. all of which

    B. that

    C. all of whom

    D. who

    Câu 11: Under no circumstances ______to play with fireworks without parental supervision.

    A. should a child be allowed

    B. a child be allowed

    C. a child should be allowed

    D. a child shouldn’t be allowed

    Câu 12: When______ is not known.

    A. it was invented the wheel

    B. the wheel was invented

    C. the invention of the wheel

    D. was the wheel invented

    Câu 13: Birds make nests in trees_______ hide their young in the leaves and branches.

    A. can where they

    B. where can they

    C. where they can

    D. where can them

    Câu 14: The ______of the pagoda in the water was very clear and beautiful.

    A. sight

    B. mirror

    C. reflection

    D. shadow

    Câu 15: After the recent scandal, the President is expected to do the_______ thing and resign from his position.

    A. precious

    B. kindness

    C. decent

    D. formal

    Câu 16: Our car is much older_______ than yours.

    A. model

    B. pattern

    C. manufacture

    D. form

    Câu 17: I ________in bed all night thinking about it.

    A. laid

    B. lay

    C. led

    D. lied

    Câu 18: Lifelong learning is the only way to remain________in today’s job market, according to economist Chun Ho Suk.

    A. competitor

    B. competition

    C. competitive

    D. competed

    Câu 19: This job requires a good ______for figures.

    A. brain

    B. understanding

    C. faculty

    D. head

    Câu 20: Before the product is put on the market, the company must_____ whether it complies with safety standards.

    A. calculate

    B. ask

    C. argue

    D. ascertain

    Câu 21: The Red List is a special book that provides names of_____ animals.

    A. vulnerable and endangered

    B. vulnerable and dangerous

    C. endangered and hunted

    D. extinct and killed

    Câu 22: During the starvation, we used to keep a______ of dried food in the factory.

    A. conserve

    B. substitute

    C. reserve

    D. preserve

    Câu 23: When you have a small child in the house, you ______leave small objects lying around. Such objects _______be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.

    A. needn’t - may

    B. should not - might

    C. should - must

    D. mustn’t - can’t

    Câu 24: Halley’s Comet had its first documented sighting in 240 B.C, in China and____ it has been seen from the Earth 29 times.

    A. after

    B. because of

    C. since then

    D. that is

    Câu 25: The concert didn’t come _____our expectations.

    A. up with

    B. up against

    C. up to

    D. round

    Câu 26: If you need any support, you can rely on me to_____

    A. set you down

    B. face up to you

    C. back you up

    D. put you through

    Câu 27: Teacher: “John, you’ve written a much better essay this time.”John: "______"

    A. Writing? Why?

    B. Thank you. lt’s really encouraging.

    C. You‘re welcome.

    D. What did you say? I’m so shy.

    Câu 28: Cindy: “Your hairstyle is terrific, Mary!” - Mary: "______"

    A. Yes, all right.

    B. Thanks, Cindy. I had it done yesterday.

    C. Never mention it.

    D. Thanks, but I’m afraid.

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    Dạng bài Điền từ vào câu lớp 12

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  • [Mark the letter A B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate - Tự Học 365] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

    Câu 1: Mr. Smith suggested that Sara ________ for the job in the company.

    A.  applying

    B.  would apply

    C. . applied

    D.  apply

    Câu 2: Our neighbours are normally very noisy, but they're being __________this evening.

    A.  unusually quietly

    B. unusual quiet

    C. unusually quiet

    D. unusual quietly

    Câu 3: No matter __________, Mozart was an accomplished composer while still a child.

    A.   A. how it remarkable seems

    B. how it seems remarkable

    C. how seems it remarkable

    D. how remarkable it seems

    Câu 4: -"Do you have a minute, Dr Keith?" - "_____________"

    A.   A. Sorry, I haven't got it here.

    B. Good, I hope so.

    C. Sure. What's the problem?

    D. Well. I'm not sure when.

    Câu 5: I was surprised to find my French was still ________ good. I could use it to speak during the meeting.

    A. pretty

    B. hard

    C. prettily  

    D. hardly

    Câu 6: The manager ________ him for a minor mistake.

    A. complained

    B. charged

    C. accused

    D. blamed

    Câu 7: People who are out of work can receive the __________.

    A. pension  

    B.  scholarship

    C. allowance  

    D. unemployment benefit

    Câu 8: Following the accident, he was officially accused of _________ driving.

    A. reckless

    B. careful

    C. hurry  

    D. responsible

    Câu 9: Laura: "What a lovely house you have!" Maria: "_____________".

    A. Of course not, it's not costly

    B. Thank you. Hope you will drop in

    C. No problem

    D. I think so

    Câu 10: If you had taken my advice, you _________ in such difficulties now.

    A. wouldn't have been  

    B. wouldn't be

    C.  won't be

    D.  hadn't been

    Câu 11: ________, we tried our best to complete it.  

    A. Despite the homework was difficult

    B. Difficult as the homework was

    C. Thanks to the difficult homework

    D. As though the homework was difficult

    Câu 12: Having a best friend to confide in can bring a positive effect on our ________ health.

    A. emotional  

    B. emotionally

    C. emotion

    D. emotionless

    Câu 13: ________ her fiction describes women in unhappy marriages.

    A.  Many of

    B.  A large number of

    C. Much of

    D.  A great variety of   D. A great variety of

    Câu 14: Police believe that there is a _________ between two crimes.

    A. chain

    B.  relation

    C. connector

    D. link

    Câu 15: After I _________ finished working, I switched off the machine.

    A. had

    B. have

    C. to have

    D. having

    Câu 16: The players' protests ________ no difference to the referee's decision at all.

    A. caused

    B. did

    C. made

    D. created

    Câu 17: I was wakened by the sound of someone ________ on the door.

    A. bumping

    B. crashing  

    C. hitting

    D. knocking

    Câu 18: Tom. "I'm sorry. I won't be able to come". - Mary. "_____________".

    A. Oh, that's annoying

    B. Great

    C. Sounds like fun

    D. Well, never mind

    Câu 19: Nobody's got to stay late this evening, __________?

    A. have they

    B. is it  

    C. isn't it

    D. don't they

    Câu 20: After the flash flood, all the drains were overflowing ________ storm water.

    A. with

    B. by

    C.  from

    D. for

    Câu 21: - A: "Happy New Year!"
    - B: "_____________!"

    A. The same to you

    B. Congratulation

    C.  Thanks

    D. Same for you

    Câu 22: I saw him hiding something in a __________bag.

    A. small plastic black

    B. black small plastic

    C. small black plastic

    D. plastic small black

    Câu 23: The child was told to__________ for being rude to his uncle.

    A. forgive

    B. excuse  

    C. confess

    D. apologize

    Câu 24: "If only I hadn't lent him all my money!" -"_____________."

    A. All right. You will be OK

    B. I'm afraid you will have to do it

    C.  Sorry, I have no idea

    D. Well, you did, so it's no use crying over spilt milk

    Câu 25: __________ of the book, they get married and live happily ever after.


    A. End to end

    B.  At the end

    C. By the end

    D. In the end

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  • [Mark the letter A B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate - Tự Học 365] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

    Câu 1:  In a few hours, we _______ the test, and we’ll go home and rest.

    A. are finishing

    B. have finished

    C. will have finished

    D. will be finishing

    Câu 2: If you had taken my advice, you ______ in such difficulties now.

    A. wouldn’t have been

    B.  hadn’t been

    C. wouldn’t be

    D. won’t be

    Câu 3: I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs, but ______

    A. I'm not invited

    B. I will not be invited

    C. I have not been invited

    D. I was not invited

    Câu 4:  George wouldn’t have met Mary _____ to his brother’s graduation party.

    A. had he not gone

    B. had not he gone

    C. if he has not gone

    D. if he shouldn’t have gone

    Câu 5: Jane wasn’t in when I arrived. I supposed she ______ I was coming.

    A. must have forgotten

    B.  must forget

    C. may forget

    D. can’t have forgotten

    Câu 6: Nowadays, children would prefer history _______in more practical ways.

    A.  to be taught

    B.  teach

    C. be taught

    D. to teach

    Câu 7: I thought you said she was going away the next Sunday,______?

    A. wasn’t she

    B. didn’t you

    C.  didn’t I

    D. wasn’t it

    Câu 8: I have told you not to do it_______

    A. hundreds of times

    B. many hundred times

    C. hundred times

    D. a hundred time

    Câu 9: We bought some_____

    A. German lovely old glasses

    B. German old lovely glasses

    C. lovely old German glasses

    Câu 10: In most ______ developed countries, up to 50% of ______ population enters higher education at some time in their lives

    A. the - \varnothing

    B. \varnothing - \varnothing

    C. the - a

    D. \varnothing - the

    Câu 11: A few animals sometimes fool their enemies _______to be dead.

    A. have been appearing

    B.  to be appearing

    C. to appear

    D. by appearing

    Câu 12: On ______he had won, he jumped for joy.

    A. he was told

    B.  having told

    C. being told

    D. telling

    Câu 13: _________ appears considerably larger at the horizon than it does overhead ismerely an optical illusion.

    A. The Moon

    B. The Moon which

    C. When the Moon

    D. That the Moon

    Câu 14:  A good friend is ______ will stand by you when you are in trouble.

    A. the one who

    B. a person that

    C. people who

    D. who

    Câu 15: ________, we tried our best to complete it.

    A. Difficult as the homework was

    B. Thanks to the difficult homework

    C. As though the homework was difficult

    D. Despite the homework was difficult

    Câu 16: She listened so attentively that not a word____

    A. she had missed

    B. she missed

    C. she didn’t miss

    D. did she miss

    Câu 17: The success of the party was mainly due to the presence of several_______

    A. celebrations

    B. celebrated

    C. celebrities

    D. celebrates

    Câu 18: When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty ______ paintings were destroyed, including two by Picasso.

    A. worthless

    B. priceless

    C. valueless

    D. worthy

    Câu 19: His brother refuses to even listen to anyone else’s point of view. He is very ______

    A. open-minded

    B. kind- minded

    C. narrow- minded

    D. absent- minded

    Câu 20: The doctor gave the patient ______examination to discover the cause of his collapse.

    A. a thorough

    B. an exact

    C. a universal

    D. a whole

    Câu 21: John has a monthly bank_______ sent to him so that he knows how much there is in his account.

    A. statement

    B. overdraft

    C. cheque

    D. balance

    Câu 22: The policeman ________him to appear as a witness.

    A. let

    B. discouraged

    C. made

    D. compelled

    Câu 23: Many scientists _______ all their lives to working out answers to problems.

    A. send

    B. promote

    C. spend

    D. devote

    Câu 24: Can you list the problems _______ poor and countries?

    A. facing - overpopulation

    B. facing - overpopulated

    C. face - overpopulated

    D. facing - overpopulating

    Câu 25: What chemical is this‘? lt’s _____a horrible smell.

    A.  giving over

    B. giving off

    C. giving down

    D. giving up

    Câu 26: Learning English isn’t so difficult once you______

    A. get down to it

    B. get off it

    C. get on it

    D. get down with it

    Câu 27: On hearing the news, she fainted and it was half an hour before she came ______again.

    A. round

    B. up

    C. over

    D. forward

    Câu 28: Jane: "It’s going to rain.” Mary: _______"

    A.  I hope not so

    B. I don’t hope either.

    C. I don’t hope so

    D.  I hope not.

    Câu 29: Ohn: “Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?” Laura:_______

    A. Yes, it’s an absurd idea.

    B. There’s no doubt about it.

    C. Of course not. You bet.

    D. Well, that’s very surprising.

    Câu 30: Tom: ‘‘I’m sorry. I won’t be able to come.” Mary:_____

    A.  Great!

    B. Oh, that’s annoying.

    C. Well, never mind

    D. Sounds like fun.

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  • [Mark the letter A B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate - Tự Học 365] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

    Câu 1: I _____ an important phone call from America. Could you tell me when it comes?

    A. had expected

    B. have been expected

    C. expected

    D. am expecting

    Câu 2: l _______a better job, and I am going to accept it.

    A. A. was offering

    B. have been offered

    C. was going to be offered

    D. am offering

    Câu 3: You look so tired! You ______ out too late last night.

    A. had to be

    B. should have been

    C. had been

    D. must have been

    Câu 4: Each of the 4 types of human _____ suited for a specific purpose.

    A. tooth are

    B. teeth is

    C. tooth is

    D. teeth are

    Câu 5: The existence of many stars in the sky _____ us to suspect that there may be life on another planet.

    A. lead

    B. leading

    C. have led

    D. leads

    Câu 6: Why are you whispering to each other? If you have something important _____ say it aloud to all of us.

    A. to say

    B. said

    C. saying

    D. say

    Câu 7: These people ______for the most successful company in the town.

    A. are seeming to work

    B. seem working

    C. seem to be working

    D. are seeming to be working

    Câu 8: The progress made in computer technology ______ the early 1960s has been remarkable.

    A. in

    B. for

    C. since

    D. during

    Câu 9: If you book in advance, you will ______ certainly have a better table at our restaurant.

    A. mostly

    B. almost

    C. most

    D. the most

    Câu 10: ______he was unharmed after being hit by lightning.

    A. Consequently

    B. Finally

    C. Cautiously

    D. Miraculously

    Câu 11: In many countries, there are national companies belonging to the state_____private companies.

    A. including

    B. as well

    C. together with

    D. but also

    Câu 12: When his alarm went off, he shut it off and slept for _____IS minutes.

    A. other

    B. others

    C. another

    D. the others

    Câu 13: ______my friends has watched the film yet.

    A. No

    B. Not any of

    C. None

    D. None of

    Câu 14: ______in the hospital for 4 years, he had decided to give up his work.

    A. To work

    B. Working

    C. Being working

    D. Worked

    Câu 15: A few months ago I moved into a very small flat after_____ for years with my parents.

    A. be living

    B. having lived

    C. being lived

    D. have living

    Câu 16: We are considering having _____ for the coming New Year.

    A. redecorated our flat

    B. to redecorate our flat

    C. our flat to be redecorated

    D. our flat redecorated

    Câu 17: He had to explain the lessons very clearly_____

    A. in order that his students might understand it

    B. so that his students to understand it

    C. in order to his students to understand it

    D. for his students in order to understand it

    Câu 18: Did you apologize to Mary,_______?

    A. who you spilt some coffee on her dress

    B. you spilt some coffee on her dress

    C. whose dress you spilt some coffee

    D. whose dress you spilt some coffee on

    Câu 19: On being told about her sack,_______

    A. her boss felt sorry for Mary

    B. Mary was shocked

    C. Mary’s face turned pale

    D. All are correct

    Câu 20: _______down to dinner than the telephone rang again.

    A. No sooner I sat

    B. No sooner had I sat

    C. Not only I sat

    D. Not only had I sat

    Câu 21: Not until the late 1960s______ on the moon

    A. that Americans walked

    B. did Americans walk

    C. when did Americans walk

    D. when Americans walked

    Câu 22: I am sure they will be very ______at your success.

    A. delight

    B. delighted

    C. delighting

    D. delightful

    Câu 23: In the primary school, a child is in the _______simple setting.

    A. comparison

    B. comparative

    C.  comparatively

    D. comparable

    Câu 24: Be careful with your gun! You may ______ somebody.

    A.  injure

    B. wound

    C. hurt

    D. ache

    Câu 25: After the enormous dinner, he had to ______his belt.

    A.  broaden

    B. enlarge

    C. widen

    D. loosen

    Câu 26: If you want to put up a tent, you will have to look for a nice flat piece of_____

    A. ground

    B. soil

    C. earth

    D. floor

    Câu 27: Nobody can approve of his_______ to work. He is so irresponsible.

    A. character

    B. behaviour

    C. attitude

    D. manner

    Câu 28: Some of the passengers spoke to reporters about their _____in the burning plane.

    A. knowledge

    B. experience

    C. occasion

    D. event

    Câu 29: I think it’s a bit ______to hope that we can beat them easily. They are much younger and better.

    A. reality

    B. really

    C. realized

    D. unreal

    Câu 30: The old man is _______ of walking 100 metres by himself.

    A. inexperienced

    B. incapable

    C. unable

    D. immature

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  • [The car they recommended was petrol-saving It was - Tự Học 365] The car they recommended was petrol-saving. It was________

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  • [you are not happy about your accommodation, the first person - Tự Học 365] ______you are not happy about your accommodation, the first person you should talk to is your landlord.

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  • [It is that the candidate complete the application form prope - Tự Học 365] It is________ that the candidate complete the application form properly.

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  • [Between these two bonsais, do you prefer? - Tự Học 365] Between these two bonsais,_____ do you prefer?

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