[LỜI GIẢI] Mark the letter A B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate - Tự Học 365



Mark the letter A B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate

Câu hỏi

Nhận biết

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 1: Those letters_______ now. You can do the typing later.

A. needn’t be typed

B. need to type

C. need typing

D. needn’t to type

Câu 2: Let’s go for a coffee_______.

A. won’t we

B. shall we

C. will we

D. will you

Câu 3: It was suggested that the applicants ______on time for the interview tomorrow morning.

A. would arrived

B. arrive

C. arrived

D. had arrived

Câu 4: “Did you go to the shopping mall to see a movie last night?" “Yes, but I______ home, because I had a little fever."

A. would rather stay

B. would rather stayed

C. would stay

D. would rather have stayed

Câu 5: It is obvious that neither the students _______responsible for it.

A. nor the teachers are

B. nor the teacher were

C. nor are the teachers

D. nor the teacher is

Câu 6: _______unprepared for the exam, I felt sure I would get a low score.

A. Although

B. Having

C. Because

D. Being

Câu 7: We were angry about the situation and insisted_____ by the president.

A. to see

B. on being seen

C. on seeing

D. to be seen

Câu 8: I’m always willing to help you. Just tell me what ______me to do.

A. want

B. you do want

C. do you want

D. you want

Câu 9: Only after _______how much damage had been caused.

A. I realized

B. I had realized

C. did I realize

D. I would realize

Câu 10: I need____ to finish a bench, and I'll go and look in the garage.

A. one more wood

B. much woods

C. many woods

D. a piece of wood

Câu 11: Fifty years ago, we needed______ than we do today.

A. less mathematic

B. less mathematics

C. fewer mathematics

D. fewer mathematic

Câu 12: That_____ film entitled “Workers” deals with workers in China.

A. document

B. documentary

C. documented

D. documenting

Câu 13: “I couldn’t go to work yesterday, because my car broke down." “You______ mine. I wasn‘t using it."

A. could borrow

B. may borrow

C. could have borrowed

D. needn’t have borrowed

Câu 14: "What was your impression of last night‘s movie?” “ _____speaking, I thought it was rather boring."

A. Very

B. Really

C. Honest

D. Honestly

Câu 15: The knee is_____ most other joints in the body because it cannot twist without injury.

A. more likely to be damaged than

B. likely to be more than damaged

C. more than likely to be damaged

D. to be damaged more than likely

Câu 16: Following the guidelines for speaking and voting established by the book Robert's Rules of Order, ________during meetings.

A. and avoid large decision-making organizations’ procedural confusion

B. large decision-making organizations avoid procedural confusion

C. is procedural confusion avoided by large decision-making organizations

D. are avoiding procedural confusion in large decision-making organizations

Câu 17: A critic, teacher, librarian, or poet who hopes to broaden poetry’s audience faces the difficult challenge of persuading skeptical readers_________

A. that poetry is important today

B. for poetry to be important today

C. to be important poetry today

D. poetry that is important today

Câu 18: Maehala Jackson, ______combined powerful vitality with great dignity, was one of the best known gospel singers in the United States.

A. it was her singing

B. which songs

C. who sang

D. whose singing

Câu 19: The first building to employ steel skeleton construction,______

A. Chicago, Illinois, the home of the Home Insurance Company Building completed in 1885

B. the Home lnsurance Company Building in Chicago, Illinois, was completed in 1885

C. because the Home lnsurance Company Building in Chicago, Illinois, was completed in 1885

D. the Home insurance Company Building in Chicago, Illinois, in 1885

Câu 20: Algokian-speaking Native Americans greeted the Pilgrims______ settled on the eastern shores of what is now New England.

A. to whom

B. of which

C. who

D. which

Câu 21: More people speak English than any other language, but non-native speakers now_____ native speakers by three to one.

A. outnumber

B. overtake

C. pass

D. dominate

Câu 22: Father would not _______us to go there for the weekend.

A. let

B. permit

C. agree

D. consent

Câu 23: Every day the old man's dog goes to ________the shop to him a newspaper.

A. carry

B. fetch

C. take

D. bring

Câu 24: Although he hasn‘t said anything, he______ to be upset about it.

A. acts

B. shows

C. behaves

D. seems

Câu 25: I have had a toothache for a week now. I must _______an appointment to see the dentist.

A. take

B. do

C. make

D. work

Câu 26: In public places, you should ask everyone for permission before you ________a cigarette.

A. put out

B. put up

C. turn up

D. light up

Câu 27: I couldn’t believe that they were brothers. They were as different as_______

A. Mars from Jupiter

B. chalk from cheese

C. dogs and cats

D. milk from honey

Câu 28: Smoking is _____forbidden everywhere in that factory.

A. strictly

B. hardly

C. severely

D. harshly

Câu 29: They live in a very _______populated area of Italy.

A. sparsely

B. barely

C. hardly

D. scarcely

Câu 30:  “Would you like another coffee?" "________"

A. I'd love one.

B. Willingly.

C. Very kind of your part.

D. its a pleasure.


Đáp án đúng:

Lời giải của Tự Học 365

Đáp án câu 1 là: A

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 2 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 3 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 4 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 5 là: A

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 6 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 7 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 8 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 9 là: C

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 10 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 11 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 12 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 13 là: C

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 14 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 15 là: A

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 16 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Phân tích cấu trúc: 

Following...Order: là trạng ngữ

during meetings: là trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian

=> Câu thiếu thành phần quan trọng là S + V

=> Chọn B

Tạm dịch: Theo những hướng dẫn về phát biểu và bầu cử được thết lập trong sách Trình tự các quy luật của Robert, các tổ chức lập pháp lớn tránh nhầm lẫn về thủ tục trong suốt các cuộc họp.

Đáp án câu 17 là: A

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 18 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 19 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 20 là: C

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 21 là: A

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 22 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 23 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 24 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 25 là: C

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 26 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 27 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 28 là: A

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 29 là: A

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 30 là: A

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