[LỜI GIẢI] Mark the letter A B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate - Tự Học 365



Mark the letter A B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate

Câu hỏi

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 1: I _____ an important phone call from America. Could you tell me when it comes?

A. had expected

B. have been expected

C. expected

D. am expecting

Câu 2: l _______a better job, and I am going to accept it.

A. A. was offering

B. have been offered

C. was going to be offered

D. am offering

Câu 3: You look so tired! You ______ out too late last night.

A. had to be

B. should have been

C. had been

D. must have been

Câu 4: Each of the 4 types of human _____ suited for a specific purpose.

A. tooth are

B. teeth is

C. tooth is

D. teeth are

Câu 5: The existence of many stars in the sky _____ us to suspect that there may be life on another planet.

A. lead

B. leading

C. have led

D. leads

Câu 6: Why are you whispering to each other? If you have something important _____ say it aloud to all of us.

A. to say

B. said

C. saying

D. say

Câu 7: These people ______for the most successful company in the town.

A. are seeming to work

B. seem working

C. seem to be working

D. are seeming to be working

Câu 8: The progress made in computer technology ______ the early 1960s has been remarkable.

A. in

B. for

C. since

D. during

Câu 9: If you book in advance, you will ______ certainly have a better table at our restaurant.

A. mostly

B. almost

C. most

D. the most

Câu 10: ______he was unharmed after being hit by lightning.

A. Consequently

B. Finally

C. Cautiously

D. Miraculously

Câu 11: In many countries, there are national companies belonging to the state_____private companies.

A. including

B. as well

C. together with

D. but also

Câu 12: When his alarm went off, he shut it off and slept for _____IS minutes.

A. other

B. others

C. another

D. the others

Câu 13: ______my friends has watched the film yet.

A. No

B. Not any of

C. None

D. None of

Câu 14: ______in the hospital for 4 years, he had decided to give up his work.

A. To work

B. Working

C. Being working

D. Worked

Câu 15: A few months ago I moved into a very small flat after_____ for years with my parents.

A. be living

B. having lived

C. being lived

D. have living

Câu 16: We are considering having _____ for the coming New Year.

A. redecorated our flat

B. to redecorate our flat

C. our flat to be redecorated

D. our flat redecorated

Câu 17: He had to explain the lessons very clearly_____

A. in order that his students might understand it

B. so that his students to understand it

C. in order to his students to understand it

D. for his students in order to understand it

Câu 18: Did you apologize to Mary,_______?

A. who you spilt some coffee on her dress

B. you spilt some coffee on her dress

C. whose dress you spilt some coffee

D. whose dress you spilt some coffee on

Câu 19: On being told about her sack,_______

A. her boss felt sorry for Mary

B. Mary was shocked

C. Mary’s face turned pale

D. All are correct

Câu 20: _______down to dinner than the telephone rang again.

A. No sooner I sat

B. No sooner had I sat

C. Not only I sat

D. Not only had I sat

Câu 21: Not until the late 1960s______ on the moon

A. that Americans walked

B. did Americans walk

C. when did Americans walk

D. when Americans walked

Câu 22: I am sure they will be very ______at your success.

A. delight

B. delighted

C. delighting

D. delightful

Câu 23: In the primary school, a child is in the _______simple setting.

A. comparison

B. comparative

C.  comparatively

D. comparable

Câu 24: Be careful with your gun! You may ______ somebody.

A.  injure

B. wound

C. hurt

D. ache

Câu 25: After the enormous dinner, he had to ______his belt.

A.  broaden

B. enlarge

C. widen

D. loosen

Câu 26: If you want to put up a tent, you will have to look for a nice flat piece of_____

A. ground

B. soil

C. earth

D. floor

Câu 27: Nobody can approve of his_______ to work. He is so irresponsible.

A. character

B. behaviour

C. attitude

D. manner

Câu 28: Some of the passengers spoke to reporters about their _____in the burning plane.

A. knowledge

B. experience

C. occasion

D. event

Câu 29: I think it’s a bit ______to hope that we can beat them easily. They are much younger and better.

A. reality

B. really

C. realized

D. unreal

Câu 30: The old man is _______ of walking 100 metres by himself.

A. inexperienced

B. incapable

C. unable

D. immature


Đáp án đúng:

Lời giải của Tự Học 365

Đáp án câu 1 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 2 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 3 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 4 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 5 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 6 là: A

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 7 là: C

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 8 là: C

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 9 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 10 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 11 là: C

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 12 là: C

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 13 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 14 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 15 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 16 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 17 là: A

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 18 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 19 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 20 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 21 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 22 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 23 là: C

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 24 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 25 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 26 là: A

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 27 là: C

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 28 là: B

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 29 là: D

Giải chi tiết:

Đáp án câu 30 là: B

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